I created the Blog at the end of 2019 as I just got a new job and was mostly free in the afternoon, so I wanted to share my passion of Tennis with the world. At the same time, I was looking for a community that I can connect with, teach and learn from, which ended up as this Blog.
A Little About My Background
I did my early education at a high school in California and that’s where I got the passion to play tennis. It’s an odd game for most of the teens these days as they go for basketball or indoor other indoor games but not this one. However, I was a different case and totally mad about Tennis.
This passion grew stronger and stronger and I always wanted to turn that into a profession so start offering my expertise as Tennis Coach. That’s my story of life, in short, I got busy with life but kept on playing tennis with passion.
My Expertise
As time passed by, my passion for tennis never ended. In my free time, I used to spend a lot of it on surfing and reading information about tennis throughout the news and blogs.
I also have a sort of hobby for collecting items like collecting a few shoes and some other related items.
But the thing is I learned, what matters and when. Like, believe me, when I say no one knows better than me what type of tennis shoes you should wear on which type of courts.
Why this Blog?
Just as I explained above, I had knowledge, I had a passion and the only thing I needed was a community and thus, I launched this blog with the purpose to learn and share.
This was a little about me, feel free to contact me through my social links and ask your questions. You can also send an email to Monika Bruce my personal assistant at her email [email protected]